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" Az idei Hifi Show-n persze nemcsak előadások és mini koncertek lesznek, de használunk, bemutatunk majd eszközöket is.

A tavalyi csendes megjelenés után idén végre be is kapcsoljuk a Clarinet Audio csöves erősítőit. "

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Mar 30, 2023

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Longkft • Audioblog 

"... I'm happy to share my report, because the Clarinet Audio Design devices and other elements of the system didn't just make beautiful sounds, they literally made music."

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Dec 11, 2021

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What"s Best Forum

"I am also lucky benefitting from the expertise in fine tuning my system: I am ordering speaker cables and onsite fine tuning from Clarinet Audio Design."

KPZ / Member of WBF

a customer's system / clarinet audio design - avantgarde acoustic

Jun 6, 2021

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What"s Best Forum

"...  I'm happily using several units of Clarinet Audio Design and cables driving my Kondo Gakuoh PSE power amplifier."

KPZ / Member of WBF

a customer's system / clarinet audio - kondo - audio note chain

Dec 16, 2020

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What"s Best Forum

" I use a Clarinet Audio combo (pre-amp, L + R amp) with an Avantgarde Acoustics Trio - the system delivers incredible clarity and depth of sound ..."

greatliberator / Member of WBF

a customer's system / clarinet audio design - avantgarde acoustic

Dec 13, 2020

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What"s Best Forum

"... after living with a pair of Avantgarde Acoustics Trio and an original Kondo made Audio Note Kageki for some 8 years, this is far the most entertaining, emotionally involving and lifelike triode tube amplification I have ever tried."

ferenc_K / Well Known Member of WBF

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Clarinet Audio Design © 1991-2024 by VADECO Engineering Ltd.  All rights reserved.

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